Week 1: Introduction to Web Development and HTML Basics
- Understanding the Internet and the World Wide Web
- Introduction to HTML and its role in web development
- Setting up a basic HTML document
- HTML elements and attributes
Week 2: Document Structure and Text Formatting
- HTML Document Structure (head, body, title, etc.)
- Text formatting elements (headings, paragraphs, emphasis, etc.)
- Lists and their usage
Week 3: Links and Images
- Creating hyperlinks (relative and absolute paths)
- Linking to other resources (PDFs, images, etc.)
- Inserting images and image maps
Week 4: Forms and Input Elements
- Creating forms with HTML
- Common form elements (text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.)
- Form validation and best practices
Week 5: Multimedia in HTML5
- Audio and video elements in HTML5
- Embedding multimedia content from external sources
- Accessibility considerations for multimedia
Week 6-7: CSS Basics
- Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Selectors, properties, and values
- Styling text, colors, and backgrounds
Week 8-9: Layout and Box Model
- Understanding the box model
- Positioning elements (static, relative, absolute, fixed)
- Introduction to Flexbox and CSS Grid for layout
Week 10-11: Responsive Web Design
- Principles of responsive design
- Media queries for different screen sizes
- Building responsive layouts
Week 12-13: Advanced HTML5 Features
- Semantic HTML5 elements (header, footer, nav, article, section, etc.)
- HTML5 canvas for drawing graphics
- Geolocation and offline web applications
Week 14: Introduction to JavaScript
- Basics of JavaScript
- Script tags and inline JavaScript
- Variables, data types, and operators
Week 15-16: Interactivity with JavaScript
- DOM manipulation
- Event handling
- JavaScript functions and control structures
Week 17-18: Advanced JavaScript and APIs
- AJAX and asynchronous programming
- Introduction to APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
- Fetch API for making HTTP requests
Week 19-20: Final Project
- Application of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript concepts learned throughout the course
- Building a simple interactive web application
- Project presentation and feedback
Week 1: Introduction to CSS and Styling Basics
- Overview of CSS and its role in web development
- Inline, internal, and external CSS
- Selectors, properties, and values
- Basic styling for text, colors, and backgrounds
Week 2: Box Model and Layout
- Understanding the box model
- Margin, padding, border properties
- Box sizing and positioning
- Floating and clearing elements
Week 3: Flexbox Layout
- Introduction to Flexbox
- Flex container and flex items
- Flex direction, justify content, align items
- Building flexible layouts
Week 4: CSS Grid Layout
- Introduction to CSS Grid
- Grid container and grid items
- Grid lines, columns, rows
- Creating complex layouts with CSS Grid
Week 5: Responsive Design with Media Queries
- Principles of responsive web design
- Using media queries to adapt styles for different devices
- Mobile-first design approach
- Responsive images and media
Week 6: Transitions and Transformations
- CSS transitions for smooth animations
- Transformations: translate, rotate, scale
- Keyframe animations
- Applying animations to web elements
Week 7: Advanced Selectors and Pseudo-classes
- Attribute selectors
- Child and descendant selectors
- Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
- Specificity and importance in CSS
Week 8: CSS Preprocessors (e.g., Sass)
- Introduction to CSS preprocessors
- Variables, nesting, and mixins in Sass
- Organizing styles with Sass
- Compiling Sass to CSS
Week 9-10: Advanced Styling Techniques
- CSS variables
- CSS custom properties
- Filter effects and blend modes
- Clipping and masking elements
Week 11-12: CSS Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)
- Introduction to CSS frameworks
- Working with Bootstrap
- Grid system and components
- Customizing and extending Bootstrap
Week 13-14: CSS Best Practices and Optimization
- Writing maintainable and scalable CSS code
- Code organization and naming conventions
- Performance optimization techniques
- Browser compatibility and vendor prefixes
Week 15-16: Final Project
- Application of CSS3 concepts learned throughout the course
- Building a responsive and visually appealing webpage
- Project presentation and feedback
Week 1-2: Introduction to JavaScript
- Overview of JavaScript and its role in web development
- Setting up the development environment (text editors, browsers)
- Basic syntax and structure of JavaScript
- Variables, data types, and operators
- Console output and debugging
Week 3-4: Control Flow and Functions
- Conditional statements (if, else, switch)
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Functions: declaration, invocation, parameters, and return values
- Scope and closures
Week 5-6: Working with Arrays and Objects
- Arrays: creation, manipulation, and iteration
- Objects: properties, methods, and manipulation
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
Week 7-8: Document Object Model (DOM)
- Introduction to the DOM
- Selecting and manipulating HTML elements
- Event handling and listeners
- DOM manipulation exercises and projects
Week 9-10: Asynchronous JavaScript
- Introduction to asynchronous programming
- Callback functions and the event loop
- Promises and async/await syntax
- Fetch API for making HTTP requests
Week 11-12: JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
- Introduction to popular JavaScript libraries (e.g., jQuery)
- Overview of JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue)
- Basic concepts and hands-on exercises with a chosen framework
Week 13-14: JavaScript and Web Development Tools
- Introduction to version control with Git
- NPM (Node Package Manager) and package management
- Task runners and bundlers (e.g., Webpack)
- Basic deployment and hosting options
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a small JavaScript project
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to jQuery
- Overview of jQuery and its role in web development
- Setting up jQuery in a project
- Selectors and events in jQuery
- Basic DOM manipulation with jQuery
Week 3-4: jQuery Effects and Animations
- Show, hide, and toggle effects
- Fading and sliding effects
- Custom animations with jQuery
- Chaining in jQuery
Week 5-6: jQuery UI
- Introduction to jQuery UI
- Widgets: Accordion, Datepicker, Tabs, etc.
- Interactions: Draggable, Droppable, Resizable, etc.
- Themes and customization
Week 7-8: AJAX with jQuery
- Introduction to AJAX
- jQuery AJAX methods
- Working with JSON data
- Handling AJAX errors and events
Week 9-10: jQuery Plugins
- Overview of jQuery plugins
- Finding and integrating jQuery plugins
- Customizing and extending plugins
- Creating simple plugins
Week 11-12: Responsive Design with jQuery
- Responsive navigation menus
- Handling different screen sizes with jQuery
- Dynamic content adjustments
- Mobile-friendly jQuery techniques
Week 13-14: jQuery Best Practices and Optimization
- Writing efficient jQuery code
- Minification and compression
- jQuery code organization and structure
- Debugging and performance optimization
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a small project incorporating jQuery
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to Bootstrap
- Overview of Bootstrap and its key features
- Setting up Bootstrap in a project
- Basic structure: Grid system, containers, and layout components
- Typography and basic styling with Bootstrap
Week 3-4: Bootstrap Components – Part 1
- Navigation components: Navbar, Navs, and Breadcrumbs
- Alerts, badges, and progress bars
- Buttons and button groups
- Forms and form components in Bootstrap
Week 5-6: Bootstrap Components – Part 2
- Modal and Popover components
- Carousel and Accordion components
- Bootstrap tables and cards
- Utility classes in Bootstrap
Week 7-8: Responsive Design with Bootstrap
- Introduction to responsive web design
- Creating responsive layouts with Bootstrap
- Bootstrap’s responsive utilities
- Testing and debugging responsive designs
Week 9-10: Customizing Bootstrap
- Theming and customization options
- Customizing Bootstrap with SASS
- Creating and using custom styles
- Integrating third-party libraries with Bootstrap
Week 11-12: Bootstrap and JavaScript
- Bootstrap JavaScript plugins overview
- Using Bootstrap’s JavaScript components (e.g., Modal, Carousel)
- Customizing and extending Bootstrap JavaScript
- Troubleshooting common JavaScript issues
Week 13-14: Bootstrap Project
- Students work on a real-world project using Bootstrap
- Incorporate various Bootstrap components and features
- Apply responsive design principles
- Presentations and code reviews
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Finalize and present the Bootstrap project
- Review key concepts covered in the course
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to Databases and MySQL
- Overview of databases and database management systems
- Introduction to MySQL
- Setting up MySQL server and client
Week 3-4: Database Design and Normalization
- Entity-Relationship (ER) modeling
- Database design principles
- Normalization and denormalization
- Designing tables and relationships
Week 5-6: SQL Queries – Part 1
- Advanced SELECT statements
- Filtering and sorting data
- Joins and subqueries
- Grouping and aggregating data
Week 7-8: SQL Queries – Part 2
- Views and stored procedures
- Indexes and optimization
- Transactions and ACID properties
- Triggers and events
Week 9-10: MySQL Security
- Authentication and authorization
- User account management
- Privileges and roles
- Securing MySQL server
Week 11-12: MySQL and Programming Languages
- Connecting MySQL with programming languages (e.g., PHP, Python, Node.js)
- Using MySQL in web development
- Error handling and debugging
- Best practices for database interactions in programming
Week 13-14: MySQL Performance Tuning and Optimization
- Monitoring and profiling tools
- Query optimization techniques
- InnoDB and MyISAM storage engines
- Caching strategies
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a comprehensive MySQL project
- Designing and implementing a database
- Query optimization and performance tuning
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to NoSQL and MongoDB
- Overview of NoSQL databases
- Introduction to MongoDB
- Setting up MongoDB server and client
- Basic CRUD operations in MongoDB
Week 3-4: MongoDB Data Modeling
- Document-oriented data modeling
- Designing collections and documents
- Schema design best practices
- Indexing and optimization in MongoDB
Week 5-6: Querying and Aggregation in MongoDB
- Basic and advanced queries in MongoDB
- Aggregation framework in MongoDB
- Working with indexes for query optimization
- Geospatial queries and indexing
Week 7-8: MongoDB and Application Integration
- Connecting MongoDB with programming languages (e.g., Node.js, Python, Java)
- Using MongoDB in web development
- Error handling and debugging with MongoDB
- Best practices for database interactions in programming
Week 9-10: MongoDB Administration
- Installation and configuration of MongoDB
- Backup and restore strategies
- Security considerations and user management
- Monitoring and optimization of MongoDB performance
Week 11-12: MongoDB Transactions and Replication
- Introduction to transactions in MongoDB
- Replication concepts and setup
- Sharding for scalability
- High availability and fault tolerance in MongoDB
Week 13-14: MongoDB Atlas and Cloud Deployment
- Overview of MongoDB Atlas
- Setting up and configuring MongoDB on the cloud
- Security and scalability in cloud-based MongoDB deployments
- Real-world use cases and case studies
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a comprehensive MongoDB project
- Designing and implementing a MongoDB database
- Query optimization and performance tuning
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to AngularJS
- Overview of AngularJS and its architecture
- Setting up AngularJS in a project
- Basic AngularJS expressions and data binding
- Controllers and scope in AngularJS
Week 3-4: AngularJS Directives
- Understanding directives in AngularJS
- Built-in directives: ng-repeat, ng-if, ng-show, etc.
- Creating custom directives
- Best practices for using directives
Week 5-6: AngularJS Services
- Introduction to services in AngularJS
- Built-in services: $http, $location, $routeParams, etc.
- Creating custom services
- Dependency injection in AngularJS
Week 7-8: AngularJS Routing
- Single Page Application (SPA) concepts
- Configuring and using the ngRoute module
- Nested views and routing in AngularJS
- Route parameters and resolving data
Week 9-10: AngularJS Forms and Validation
- AngularJS form basics
- Two-way data binding with forms
- Form validation and error handling
- Custom form controls and directives
Week 11-12: Testing in AngularJS
- Overview of testing in AngularJS
- Unit testing with Jasmine and Karma
- End-to-end testing with Protractor
- Best practices for writing testable AngularJS code
Week 13-14: Building a Single Page Application (SPA)
- Project structure for an AngularJS SPA
- Integration with RESTful APIs
- Authentication and authorization
- Optimizing performance in AngularJS
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a comprehensive AngularJS project
- Incorporate key concepts and features covered in the course
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to React.js
- Overview of React.js and its philosophy
- Setting up React.js in a project
- JSX (JavaScript XML) syntax
- Components and props in React
Week 3-4: State and Lifecycle in React
- Managing component state
- Component lifecycle methods
- Handling events in React
- Conditional rendering in React
Week 5-6: React Forms and Controlled Components
- Working with forms in React
- Controlled components and uncontrolled components
- Form validation in React
- Handling multiple inputs
Week 7-8: React Router and Navigation
- Introduction to React Router
- Setting up routes in a React application
- Navigation and nested routes
- Route parameters and query strings
Week 9-10: State Management with Redux
- Introduction to state management
- Setting up Redux in a React application
- Actions, reducers, and the store
- Connecting React components with Redux
Week 11-12: React Hooks
- Introduction to React Hooks
- useState, useEffect, and other built-in hooks
- Custom hooks
- Refs and the useRef hook
Week 13-14: Testing in React
- Overview of testing in React
- Unit testing with Jest and React Testing Library
- Testing Redux applications
- End-to-end testing with Cypress
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a comprehensive React.js project
- Incorporate key concepts and features covered in the course
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to AngularJS
- Overview of AngularJS and its architecture
- Setting up AngularJS in a project
- Basic AngularJS expressions and data binding
- Controllers and scope in AngularJS
Week 3-4: AngularJS Directives
- Understanding directives in AngularJS
- Built-in directives: ng-repeat, ng-if, ng-show, etc.
- Creating custom directives
- Best practices for using directives
Week 5-6: AngularJS Services
- Introduction to services in AngularJS
- Built-in services: $http, $location, $routeParams, etc.
- Creating custom services
- Dependency injection in AngularJS
Week 7-8: AngularJS Routing
- Single Page Application (SPA) concepts
- Configuring and using the ngRoute module
- Nested views and routing in AngularJS
- Route parameters and resolving data
Week 9-10: AngularJS Forms and Validation
- AngularJS form basics
- Two-way data binding with forms
- Form validation and error handling
- Custom form controls and directives
Week 11-12: Testing in AngularJS
- Overview of testing in AngularJS
- Unit testing with Jasmine and Karma
- End-to-end testing with Protractor
- Best practices for writing testable AngularJS code
Week 13-14: Building a Single Page Application (SPA)
- Project structure for an AngularJS SPA
- Integration with RESTful APIs
- Authentication and authorization
- Optimizing performance in AngularJS
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a comprehensive AngularJS project
- Incorporate key concepts and features covered in the course
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to PHP
- Overview of PHP and its history
- Setting up the PHP development environment
- Basic syntax and structure of PHP
- Variables, data types, and operators in PHP
Week 3-4: Control Structures in PHP
- Conditional statements (if, else, switch)
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Functions and their usage
- Error handling and debugging in PHP
Week 5-6: PHP and HTML Integration
- Embedding PHP in HTML
- Form handling in PHP
- Super global variables (e.g., $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION)
- File handling in PHP
Week 7-8: PHP and Databases
- Introduction to MySQL and PHPMyAdmin
- Connecting PHP to MySQL databases
- SQL queries in PHP
- CRUD operations in PHP and MySQL
Week 9-10: PHP Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP)
- Classes, objects, and inheritance in PHP
- Encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction in PHP
- Namespaces and autoloading
Week 11-12: PHP and Web Security
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Data validation and sanitization
- Password hashing and secure authentication
- HTTPS and secure connections in PHP
Week 13-14: PHP Frameworks
- Overview of PHP frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter)
- MVC architecture and its implementation in PHP frameworks
- Routing, controllers, and views in PHP frameworks
- Building a simple project with a PHP framework
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a comprehensive PHP project
- Incorporate key concepts and features covered in the course
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to Laravel
- Overview of Laravel and its features
- Setting up the Laravel development environment
- Laravel directory structure
- Basic routing and views in Laravel
Week 3-4: Laravel Blade Templating Engine
- Introduction to Blade templating
- Layouts and partials
- Control structures and loops in Blade
- Blade directives and components
Week 5-6: Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
- Introduction to Eloquent
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture in Laravel
- Eloquent relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)
- Query scopes and Eloquent collections
Week 7-8: Laravel Middleware and Authentication
- Understanding middleware in Laravel
- Creating custom middleware
- Laravel authentication system
- User registration, login, and password reset
Week 9-10: Laravel Database Migrations and Seeding
- Introduction to migrations
- Creating and modifying database tables with migrations
- Database seeding for initial data
- Rolling back and re-running migrations
Week 11-12: Laravel RESTful API Development
- Building APIs with Laravel
- API authentication and security
- CRUD operations in API development
- API versioning and best practices
Week 13-14: Laravel Testing and Debugging
- Writing tests in Laravel
- PHPUnit and Laravel testing tools
- Debugging techniques in Laravel
- Continuous Integration (CI) with Laravel
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a comprehensive Laravel project
- Incorporate key concepts and features covered in the course
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to Python
- Overview of Python and its applications
- Setting up Python environment (interpreter, IDEs)
- Basic syntax, variables, and data types
- Control flow: if statements, loops
Week 3-4: Functions and Modules in Python
- Defining and calling functions
- Function parameters and return values
- Introduction to Python modules
- Importing and using modules
Week 5-6: Data Structures in Python
- Lists, tuples, and sets
- Dictionaries and their methods
- Working with sequences
- List comprehensions
Week 7-8: File Handling in Python
- Reading and writing to text files
- Working with CSV and JSON files
- Exception handling
- Context managers
Week 9-10: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python
- Introduction to OOP concepts
- Classes and objects
- Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation
- Constructors and destructors
Week 11-12: Python Standard Library
- Exploring the Python Standard Library
- Commonly used modules: os, sys, datetime, math
- Using third-party libraries with pip
- Virtual environments
Week 13-14: Web Development with Flask
- Introduction to web development with Flask
- Routing and templates in Flask
- Handling forms and user input
- Basic CRUD operations with Flask
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a small Python project
- Apply concepts learned throughout the course
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to Django
- Overview of Django and its features
- Setting up the Django development environment
- Creating a simple Django project and app
- Understanding the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture in Django
Week 3-4: Django Models and Admin
- Defining models in Django
- Creating and applying migrations
- Django Admin interface for managing data
- Model relationships: OneToOne, ForeignKey, ManyToMany
Week 5-6: Django Views and Templates
- Creating views in Django
- Using Django templates for dynamic content
- URL patterns and routing in Django
- Context data and template inheritance
Week 7-8: Django Forms and User Authentication
- Building forms in Django
- Form handling and validation
- User authentication in Django
- Customizing authentication views
Week 9-10: Django Middleware and Middleware
- Understanding Django middleware
- Creating custom middleware
- Django signals for decoupled applications
- Django middleware for authentication and caching
Week 11-12: Django REST Framework
- Introduction to Django REST Framework (DRF)
- Building RESTful APIs with DRF
- Serializers and views in DRF
- Authentication and permissions in DRF
Week 13-14: Django Deployment and Optimization
- Deploying Django applications
- Configuring production settings
- Performance optimization in Django
- Caching strategies in Django
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a comprehensive Django project
- Apply key concepts and features covered in the course
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to Django
- Overview of Django and its features
- Setting up the Django development environment
- Creating a simple Django project and app
- Understanding the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture in Django
Week 3-4: Django Models and Admin
- Defining models in Django
- Creating and applying migrations
- Django Admin interface for managing data
- Model relationships: OneToOne, ForeignKey, ManyToMany
Week 5-6: Django Views and Templates
- Creating views in Django
- Using Django templates for dynamic content
- URL patterns and routing in Django
- Context data and template inheritance
Week 7-8: Django Forms and User Authentication
- Building forms in Django
- Form handling and validation
- User authentication in Django
- Customizing authentication views
Week 9-10: Django Middleware and Middleware
- Understanding Django middleware
- Creating custom middleware
- Django signals for decoupled applications
- Django middleware for authentication and caching
Week 11-12: Django REST Framework
- Introduction to Django REST Framework (DRF)
- Building RESTful APIs with DRF
- Serializers and views in DRF
- Authentication and permissions in DRF
Week 13-14: Django Deployment and Optimization
- Deploying Django applications
- Configuring production settings
- Performance optimization in Django
- Caching strategies in Django
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a comprehensive Django project
- Apply key concepts and features covered in the course
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment
Week 1-2: Introduction to .NET and C#
- Overview of .NET framework
- Setting up the development environment (Visual Studio)
- Introduction to C# language
- Basic syntax, data types, and variables
Week 3-4: Control Flow in C#
- Conditional statements (if, else, switch)
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Exception handling in C#
- Methods and functions
Week 5-6: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in C#
- Introduction to OOP concepts
- Classes and objects in C#
- Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation
- Interfaces and abstract classes
Week 7-8: .NET Framework and Libraries
- Exploring the .NET framework
- Commonly used .NET libraries
- Working with collections (List, Dictionary, etc.)
- LINQ (Language Integrated Query) in C#
Week 9-10: Windows Forms Applications
- Introduction to Windows Forms
- Designing GUI with WinForms
- Handling events and user input
- Data binding in WinForms
Week 11-12: ASP.NET Web Development
- Introduction to ASP.NET
- Creating web applications with ASP.NET
- ASP.NET MVC architecture
- Razor syntax and Views in ASP.NET
Week 13-14: Database Connectivity with ADO.NET
- Connecting to databases with ADO.NET
- Executing SQL queries with ADO.NET
- Data binding in ASP.NET
- Entity Framework in C#
Week 15: Final Project and Review
- Students work on a comprehensive .NET project
- Apply concepts learned throughout the course
- Presentations and code reviews
- Final exam or assessment