Mobile App Development


Mobile App Development Syllabus:

Module 1: Introduction to Mobile App Development

  1. Overview of Mobile App Development:

    • Introduction to mobile platforms (iOS, Android)
    • Native vs. hybrid vs. cross-platform development
    • Mobile app development life cycle
  2. Choosing a Development Environment:

    • Introduction to IDEs (Integrated Development Environments)
    • Setting up development environments for Android Studio (Android) and Xcode (iOS)

Module 2: Basics of Programming

  1. Introduction to Programming:

    • Basic programming concepts
    • Variables, data types, and operators
    • Control structures (if statements, loops)
  2. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

    • Classes and objects
    • Inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism
    • Object-oriented design principles

Module 3: Mobile App UI/UX Design

  1. User Interface (UI) Design:

    • Principles of mobile UI design
    • Wireframing and prototyping tools
    • Designing for different screen sizes and resolutions
  2. User Experience (UX) Design:

    • Understanding user interactions
    • Navigation patterns and best practices
    • Accessibility considerations

Module 4: Android App Development

  1. Introduction to Android Development:

    • Overview of the Android platform
    • Android architecture and components
  2. Building User Interfaces with XML:

    • XML layout files
    • UI components and attributes
    • Handling user input
  3. Java Programming for Android:

    • Basic Java concepts for Android development
    • Activities and Fragments
    • Event handling and listeners
  4. Working with Android Studio:

    • Creating and managing Android projects
    • Debugging and testing

Module 5: iOS App Development

  1. Introduction to iOS Development:

    • Overview of the iOS platform
    • iOS architecture and components
  2. Building User Interfaces with Interface Builder:

    • Interface Builder basics
    • UI components and constraints
    • Handling user input
  3. Swift Programming for iOS:

    • Basic Swift concepts for iOS development
    • View controllers and navigation
    • Event handling and delegation
  4. Working with Xcode:

    • Creating and managing iOS projects
    • Debugging and testing

Module 6: Cross-Platform Development

  1. Introduction to Cross-Platform Frameworks:

    • Overview of frameworks like Flutter or React Native
    • Building cross-platform apps with a single codebase
  2. Developing with a Cross-Platform Framework:

    • Setting up a cross-platform development environment
    • Building and deploying cross-platform apps

Module 7: Mobile App Data Management

  1. Local Data Storage:

    • Using SQLite databases (Android and iOS)
    • Shared Preferences (Android)
    • Core Data (iOS)
  2. Working with APIs:

    • Consuming RESTful APIs
    • Parsing JSON data
    • Authentication and authorization

Module 8: Advanced Topics

  1. Push Notifications:

    • Implementing push notifications (Firebase Cloud Messaging, APNs)
    • Handling notifications in mobile apps
  2. Mobile App Security:

    • Best practices for securing mobile apps
    • Encryption and secure communication

Module 9: Deployment and App Store Guidelines

  1. Testing and Debugging:

    • Unit testing and UI testing
    • Debugging tools and techniques
  2. App Deployment:

    • Deploying apps to Google Play Store (Android)
    • Deploying apps to Apple App Store (iOS)

Module 10: Final Project

  1. Project Work:
    • Design and develop a mobile application
    • Incorporate various features learned in the course
    • Prepare the app for deployment

Assessment and Evaluation:

  • Assignments and Quizzes:

    • Regular assessments to reinforce concepts
    • Quizzes to assess understanding
  • Project Evaluation:

    • Assessment of the final mobile app project
    • App design, functionality, and usability
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